2023 JewCE Speakers Collective

Bring a JewCE Speaker to your group with exclusive access to our collective of brilliant creators! 

The JewCE Speakers Collective offers an array of interactive workshops, talks, and presentations on a range of topics tailored to different age groups and interests.  

By booking a JewCE speaker, people are introduced to the exciting world of Jewish cartooning, pop culture, and comics. They gain insights into the creative process, learn about the rich history of Jewish contributions to the arts, and discover the impact of Jewish stories on popular culture by top industry leaders.

Get a free virtual pass to the convention by booking a speaker and bringing a group to the museum.  

To qualify for the free virtual pass to the convention, book your speaker by October 1.

Contact your speaker directly for pricing and booking. 


Author’s Visit for Little Kids
with Barry Deutsch
My presentation is designed for grades 2-8. But I also love talking to younger kids, adapting my presentation to be shorter and have more of the “fun stuff’ that keeps smaller children engaged. I’d recommend having some blank paper handy — after talking to me, kids are eager to draw!

Histories and Styles of Auto-bio Graphic Novels: Talk
with Miriam Libicki
A brief, image-filled timeline of the evolution of nonfiction graphic novels from a global perspective, and especially autobiographical movements. Discusses the unique power of graphic novels to tell personal stories for different audiences, and explores the many diverse art and storytelling approaches that cartoonists use.

Secret Identities: The Jewish Origins of the Marvel Universe!
with Roy Schwartz
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the biggest thing in showbiz, with 32 films making almost $30 billion worldwide. But before all the glitz and glamor, comics were a disreputable, Jewish industry. Almost all of Marvel’s superheroes were created or co-created by Jews, including Captain America, Fantastic Four, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man, Iron Man, Avengers, X-Men, Black Panther and many more. Join journalist and author Roy Schwartz for a fascinating and entertaining journey through comic book lore, American history and Jewish tradition!

Secret Identities: The Jewish Origins of Superheroes!
with Roy Schwartz
Did you know superheroes are a Jewish invention? Deep breath: Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Captain America, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Avengers, X-Men, Black Panther and many others were created or co-created by Jews. Join journalist and author Roy Schwartz to explore their secret origins, every bit as colorful and exciting as the comics and movies!

From Screen to Page – The unusual journey of a story about Jewish Pirates
with Arnon Z. Shorr
Filmmaker and author Arnon Z. Shorr shares his award-winning short film, “The Pirate Captain Toledano”, and talks about the unusual process of adapting that film into his popular middle-grade graphic novel, “José and the Pirate Captain Toledano”.

Comic Strip Workshop
with Chari Pere
Learn the basics of comics, storytelling, and pacing in a fun, interactive workshop! Each session is tailored to its specific group of participants to make it even more engaging. Every participant will come away with a 1-4 panel comic of their own design.

Journey Through Jewish Tales: A Creative Game for Young Explorers
with Jeremy Arcus-Goldberg
Embark on an exciting “Journey Through Jewish Tales” in this interactive and creative game designed to expose kids aged 5 to 10 to the richness of Jewish texts. Led by an experienced facilitator and game designer, this program offers a unique opportunity for young explorers to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Jewish storytelling. Through a fun and engaging game, children will encounter heroes, heroines, and mythical creatures from Jewish traditions, solving puzzles and overcoming challenges along the way. This imaginative journey aims to spark curiosity and creativity, as participants timeless wisdom hidden within the tales. “Journey Through Jewish Tales” is an ideal setting for kids to build a strong foundation of Jewish heritage while having a blast exploring the magic of ancient stories.

Cartooning Workshop
with Barry Deutsch
I demonstrate, working with suggestions from students, a character design exercise, which the students then try out on their own. Then I present a short (10 minute) slideshow in which I explain and demonstrate the basics of story structure in a four-panel comic strip (including an animated film of the process). After that, the students create their own comic strip for the remainder of the class period, while I walk around the class and give students feedback on their work.

Author’s Visit
with Barry Deutsch
This presentation includes live drawing demonstrations, working from audience suggestions; a sped-up timelapse video showing the drawing process from beginning to end; a reading from Barry’s work; a discussion of how Barry became a cartoonist, with emphasis on the importance of practice; and Q&A time. Barry has made author visits to groups as small as 15 and as large as 600.

Secret Identities: The Jewish Origins of the Marvel Universe!
with Roy Schwartz
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the biggest thing in showbiz, with 32 films making almost $30 billion worldwide. But before all the glitz and glamor, comics were a disreputable, Jewish industry. Almost all of Marvel’s superheroes were created or co-created by Jews, including Captain America, Fantastic Four, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man, Iron Man, Avengers, X-Men, Black Panther and many more. Join journalist and author Roy Schwartz for a fascinating and entertaining journey through comic book lore, American history and Jewish tradition!

Secret Identities: The Jewish Origins of Superheroes!
with Roy Schwartz
Did you know superheroes are a Jewish invention? Deep breath: Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Captain America, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Avengers, X-Men, Black Panther and many others were created or co-created by Jews. Join journalist and author Roy Schwartz to explore their secret origins, every bit as colorful and exciting as the comics and movies!

The Heritage Sandbox – Tapping your personal heritage for genre fiction inspiration
with Arnon Z. Shorr
Filmmaker, screenwriter and author Arnon Z. Shorr guides creative writers through a process of identifying stories from their personal or family history, and reinterpreting them through a genre fiction lens. 

Jews on Screen – 120 years of representation and misrepresentation of Jews in popular film and TV
with Arnon Z. Shorr
Filmmaker and author Arnon Z. Shorr takes you on a multimedia-filled romp through more than a century of Hollywood movies and TV to explore the evolving ways that Jews have been depicted.

Sense Memory Comix Workshop
with Miriam Libicki
Start with a word, and end with a one-page inked comic story inspired by Lynda Barry’s writing-from-memory techniques. A two-hour hands-on workshop using notebook paper, pens, bristol, india ink, and economical inking brushes.

New Yorker Cartoon Workshop
with Amy Kurzweil 
In this hands on workshop, we look at, appreciate, and learn about New Yorker style single panel cartoons and then make our own with guided prompts.

Torah Comic Workshop
with Andrew Galitzer
Students learn how Andrew applied his love for drawing to create Torah Comics, when he was just 12 years old. Students are inspired to follow their dreams, like he did. Then students get to draw their own comic with Andrew step-by-step! Comics can be on any theme of the school/shuls choosing.

Jewish Cartoon Workshop
with Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Batman Editor Gorf gets participants of all ages and backgrounds creating Jewish-themed cartoons using the same tools and methods as professionals and then collects them into a comic book for the entire community, school or camp to enjoy and learn from. NO DRAWING SKILL NECESSARY WHATSOEVER. This is a proven, structured program that’s for everyone who can tell a story and draw a stick figure…which is all of us!

Is Superman Circumcised? The Complete Jewish History of the World’s Greatest Hero!
with Roy Schwartz
Superman is the most famous character in the world. He’s the first superhero, an American icon—and he’s Jewish! Introduced in June 1938, the Man of Steel was created by two Jewish teens, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the sons of emigrants from Eastern Europe. They based their hero’s origin story on Moses, his strength on Samson, his mission on the golem and his nebbish secret identity on themselves. They made him a refugee fleeing catastrophe on the eve of World War II and sent him to tear Nazi tanks apart nearly two years before the US joined the war. Join author Roy Schwartz for a fascinating and entertaining journey through comic book lore, American history and Jewish tradition, sure to give you a newfound appreciation for the Mensch of Steel!

Secret Identities: The Jewish Origins of the Marvel Universe!
with Roy Schwartz
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the biggest thing in showbiz, with 32 films making almost $30 billion worldwide. But before all the glitz and glamor, comics were a disreputable, Jewish industry. Almost all of Marvel’s superheroes were created or co-created by Jews, including Captain America, Fantastic Four, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man, Iron Man, Avengers, X-Men, Black Panther and many more. Join journalist and author Roy Schwartz for a fascinating and entertaining journey through comic book lore, American history and Jewish tradition!

Inventing a Superhero
with E. Lockhart 
Comics and graphic novels are now widely celebrated in schools and libraries. They’re a great way to engage reluctant readers. So what’s it like to invent a brand-new hero who fights Batman villains? Lockhart takes students inside the creative process on Whistle, and gives a bit of superhero history, as well.

Creating Family History Comics Workshop
with Miriam Libicki
Learn how to take a life-story interview of a family member, friend or role model, and transform it into a comic book to share and keep. Techniques covered include transcription, photo documentation, research and adaptation styles, and choosing an art style suited to the subject matter.

The Art of Graphic Resurrection
with Amy Kurzweil 
In this lecture, I speak about the process of writing and drawing both my graphic memoirs: Flying Couch (a graphic memoir about three generations of women in my family that tells the story of my maternal grandmother’s escape from the Warsaw Ghetto) and Artificial: A Love Story (a graphic memoir about my father’s quest to reanimate the identity of his late father, an escapee from Vienna, though AI and salvaged documents). I can focus the talk more on one book or the other or equally on both.

Am I My Brother’s Story-Keeper?
with Chari Pere
The Torah says we’re responsible for our fellow Jews. Does that extend to helping tell their stories? How do we maintain the integrity of an experience we haven’t undergone personally? Cartoonist Chari Pere discusses adapting others’ difficult experiences into comic form. Be prepared to share your own stories and creatively adapt others’.

Jewish Entrepreneurship: the Journey to Torah Comics
with Andrew Galitzer
How did Andrew publish a book internationally at just 20 years old and sell over 2,000 copies in under a year? In this presentation, students follow Andrew’s entrepreneurial journey to accomplish his childhood dream.

Working with Historical Material as an Artist
with Leela Corman
I can give talks on working with historical material as an artist, artist talks on process, talks on my work from a third generation diaspora perspective, on artistic research, and on working with difficult material.

Visual Storytelling
with Leela Corman
I also give workshops in visual storytelling. They involve a combination of writing and drawing comics. No drawing skills are necessary. I have taught this to professional artists, and to people who’ve never drawn in their lives, with equally great results.

Getting Published as a Science Fiction & Fantasy Author
with Alex Shvartsman
What does the world of SF&F publishing look like today? How can a new writer write a publishable story or novel? How to hone the necessary skills and what steps can one take to succeed in this field?

The Art & Craft of Literary Translation
with Alex Shvartsman
Translation is an art form rather than a technical skill. What’s involved in creating high-quality translations for print and screen? Why is “to translate is to betray” a creed of literary translators? Why can no one agree on the best way to translate Homer’s adjective for Odysseus?

Jack Ruby: The Many (Jewish) Faces of Oswald’s Assassin 
with Danny Fingeroth
Based on his 2023 biography “Jack Ruby: The Many Faces of Oswald’s Assassin” (published by Chicago Review Press), Danny Fingeroth shines a spotlight on Ruby, whose November 1963 murder of presumed JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald on live TV changed history. Fingeroth brings to life the strange, violent odyssey of this often-neglected figure, a product of Chicago’s Jewish Maxwell Street ghetto. Fingeroth explores how Ruby’s actions were seen in a Jewish context, including observations gleaned from Ruby’s rabbi, Hillel Silverman, who visited Ruby regularly in prison. This powerpoint-aided reading and discussion would be appropriate for ages 15 and up, with special interest for baby boomers and for anyone with an interest in the history of the Kennedy era.

The Marvelous Life and Times of Stan Lee
with Danny Fingeroth
Based on his book, “A Marvelous Life: The Amazing Story of Stan Lee” (St. Martin’s press, 2019), Danny Fingeroth discusses the controversial life and career of Lee (born Stanley Martin Lieber), the co-creator of Spider-Man, the Avengers, Iron Man, the X-Men and many other iconic Marvel superheroes. In a powerpoint-aided presentation, Fingeroth charts how Lee rose from impoverished immigrant Jewish roots in the Bronx to become the most famous figure in the worlds of comics and graphic novels, including his cameos in movies based on his cocreations. We see how Lee, despite his successes, could never escape the accusations that he treated his creative partners—especially Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko—unfairly, reaping more than his fair share of credit and money.

Jews and Comics: From Superman to Maus 
with Danny Fingeroth
Based on his books “Disguised as Clark Kent: Jews, Comics and the Creation of the Superhero,” “The Rough Guide to Graphic Novels,” and “A Marvelous Life: The Amazing Story of Stan Lee,” Danny Fingeroth gives a powerpoint-aided presentation about the history of comics and graphic novels and the instrumental role Jewish writers, artists, and publishers played in the development of the medium. From Superman creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster to X-Men innovators Stan Lee and Jack Kirby to the work of visionary graphic novelists such as Will Eisner (“A Contract With God”), Art Spiegelman (“Maus”), and Rutu Modan (“Tunnels”), Fingeroth demonstrates the amazing contributions Jews have made to this amazing visual medium and its many genres.

Torah Tales & Tabletop Adventures: Unleashing Jewish Folklore in Interactive Games
with Jeremy Arcus-Goldberg
Embark on a captivating exploration of Jewish folklore, where timeless Torah tales come alive in the immersive world of interactive tabletop adventures. In “Torah Tales & Tabletop Adventures,” led by a Master’s degree holder in Jewish Studies and the visionary designer of a teen leadership program featuring custom Jewish Dungeons and Dragons adventures, we will delve into the magical blend of ancient myths and interactive storytelling games. From epic encounters like Moses vs Og the Giant in the desert to the unexpected presence of vampires at a Bar Mitzvah, we’ll discover the richness of Jewish tradition through a gaming lens. Participants will actively engage in interactive game activities, crafting their own narratives and collaborating as a community to shape the unfolding stories. Experience the power of stories to foster leadership, teamwork, and creative expression in a Jewish context, while embracing a cultural shift towards community-driven, bottom-up storytelling. Join us for an unforgettable journey where Torah tales and tabletop adventures intertwine in a celebration of Jewish heritage and imagination.

Make Your Own Golem
with Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik
A two-hour papercutting workshop for teens 16+ and adults in which participants learn the history and mythology of the golem, and then make their own out of cut-up comic books. No knowledge of secret Jewish magic required.

Tokyo Rose: Zero Hour
with Andre R. Frattino
A Japanese American woman is trapped in Tokyo during WW2 and to survive she must become a radio propagandist for the Japanese Empire. Yet, despite working for the enemy, she secretly sabotages the broadcasts and helps P.O.W.s. survive the war only to later end up persecuted by the U.S. following the war.

How Narratives Can Effect Change
with Tracy White
This dynamic workshop examines the power of narratives to effect change. Using her graphic novel, Unaccompanied, which tells the courageous stories of unaccompanied refugee minors and the challenges they face in the immigration process, she lays out the core skills and best practices required to produce a clear and effective non-fiction story. These skills include research methods, interview techniques, synthesis of information, tracking multiple sources, and the unique considerations involved in creating a graphic novel.

Non-fiction Graphic Storytelling Workshop
with Tracy White
This engaging workshop offers an immersive experience into the world of nonfiction graphic storytelling. With over twenty years of experience as a cartoonist and teacher, tracy will guide participants through the process of using the tools in the comic creator’ toolbox to tell compelling nonfiction stories.Starting with idea generation and moving through various iterations required to bring a story to its final form, Tracy’s workshop will cover the basic “grammar” of comics and provide examples. Participants will learn about the unique storytelling techniques of the comic medium, and gain a deeper understanding of how to use these tools to convey the stories they want to tell effectively.

Custom Workshop
with Tracy White
Tracy will partner with you to create the perfect workshop or discussion for your needs.

Jewish Cartoon Workshop
with Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Batman Editor Gorf gets participants of all ages and backgrounds creating Jewish-themed cartoons using the same tools and methods as professionals and then collects them into a comic book for the entire community, school or camp to enjoy and learn from. NO DRAWING SKILL NECESSARY WHATSOEVER. This is a proven, structured program that’s for everyone who can tell a story and draw a stick figure…which is all of us!

Creating My Graphic Novel
with Chanan Beizer

Depictions of the Golem in Comics
with Chanan Beizer
A discussion of Golems in the comic book world.

Eric Godal: A Cartoonist’s Fight for Human Rights
with Dr. Rafael Medoff
The incredible but true story of an acclaimed German Jewish political cartoonist who escaped from the Gestapo and fled to the United States, where he created biting editorial cartoons for the American press about the plight of the Jews in Hitler Europe.

The Voyage of the St. Louis, Through Art, Drama, and Literature
with Dr. Rafael Medoff
The infamous “voyage of the doomed” is one of the best-known illustrations of the abandonment of the Jews during the Holocaust. This presentation explores how that tragedy has been interpreted by cartoonists and other artists, playwrights, and film directors.

Cartoonists Against Racism: The Secret Jewish War on Bigotry
with Dr. Rafael Medoff
The little-known story of how the American Jewish Committee secretly hired cartoonists and comic book artists to create political cartoons, posters, and other images to combat bigotry in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s. Based on my forthcoming book, of the same title, from Dark Horse.

Moses, Esther, Superman & Wonder Woman: What Superheroes Teach Us About Judaism and What Judaism Teaches Us About Superheroes
with Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Veteran Batman Manager Gorf compares and contrasts the “source texts” for Moses, Esther, Superman and Wonder Woman resulting in an astonishing conclusion: superheroes exist because of Torah learning.

Tales From the Batman Editor: How “Drawing” Upon Judaism Inspires Joy and Success
with Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Learn the key ingredient to Gorf’s miraculous ascent from Batman reader to running the Batman franchise: openly embracing Judaism.

Breaking Into Comics
with Joshua Sky
This talk would draw from my 16+ years of experience working in comics and offer practical advice on how to break in, create one’s own book and the pitfalls to avoid.

Welcome to the Humiliating World of Being a Professional Writer
with Mathew Klickstein
As a lifelong storyteller and professional writer of all shapes and sizes for more than twenty years, Mathew Klickstein has seen it all, heard it all, watched it all, read it all, and penned it all. And in this seminar — not to be confused with a whingy “bitchfest,” to be sure — he’ll spill all the beans and answer all questions on what it REALLY takes to pitch, produce, and promote YOUR project(s) in our current topsy-turvy Kafkaesque media/entertainment industry landscape.

Lloyd Kaufman: More Than Just T&a, Exploding Heads, and Troma
with Mathew Klickstein
Currently finishing his latest book on and developing a new documentary about the wacky, wild life and times of the inimitable Lloyd Kaufman (who, for the uninitiated, has long followed in the footsteps of such notable schlockmeister forebears as: Roger Corman, Russ Meyer, Herschell Gordon Lewis, and John Waters), Mathew Klickstein is one of today’s leading experts on all things Troma/Lloyd.

Is Superman Circumcised? The Complete Jewish History of the World’s Greatest Hero!
with Roy Schwartz
Superman is the most famous character in the world. He’s the first superhero, an American icon—and he’s Jewish! Introduced in June 1938, the Man of Steel was created by two Jewish teens, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the sons of emigrants from Eastern Europe. They based their hero’s origin story on Moses, his strength on Samson, his mission on the golem and his nebbish secret identity on themselves. They made him a refugee fleeing catastrophe on the eve of World War II and sent him to tear Nazi tanks apart nearly two years before the US joined the war. Join author Roy Schwartz for a fascinating and entertaining journey through comic book lore, American history and Jewish tradition, sure to give you a newfound appreciation for the Mensch of Steel!

Secret Identities: The Jewish Origins of the Marvel Universe!
with Roy Schwartz
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the biggest thing in showbiz, with 32 films making almost $30 billion worldwide. But before all the glitz and glamor, comics were a disreputable, Jewish industry. Almost all of Marvel’s superheroes were created or co-created by Jews, including Captain America, Fantastic Four, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man, Iron Man, Avengers, X-Men, Black Panther and many more. Join journalist and author Roy Schwartz for a fascinating and entertaining journey through comic book lore, American history and Jewish tradition!

From Perek to Panel: Using Pictures to Explore Interpretation
with Ben Schachter
We will explore how pictures can elaborate on Jewish texts. Just as the interpreters added, explained, and enriched stories, we will use their ideas – and some of our own – and learn together. When pictures are placed next to words, they can illustrate what is happening, but they can also provide more. That is what we will explore.

Perek Pages: Visual Midrash and Comics
with Ben Schachter
In this lecture, I’ll discuss how historical midrash, interpretation of texts, enriches our understanding of biblical stories. At the same time, I’ll show my process of illustration and how I use pictures as visual interpretation. In this way, word and picture work together to create a rich reading experience.

Jack Ruby: The Many (Jewish) Faces of Oswald’s Assassin 
with Danny Fingeroth
Based on his 2023 biography “Jack Ruby: The Many Faces of Oswald’s Assassin” (published by Chicago Review Press), Danny Fingeroth shines a spotlight on Ruby, whose November 1963 murder of presumed JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald on live TV changed history. Fingeroth brings to life the strange, violent odyssey of this often-neglected figure, a product of Chicago’s Jewish Maxwell Street ghetto. Fingeroth explores how Ruby’s actions were seen in a Jewish context, including observations gleaned from Ruby’s rabbi, Hillel Silverman, who visited Ruby regularly in prison. This powerpoint-aided reading and discussion would be appropriate for ages 15 and up, with special interest for baby boomers and for anyone with an interest in the history of the Kennedy era.

The Marvelous Life and Times of Stan Lee
with Danny Fingeroth
Based on his book, “A Marvelous Life: The Amazing Story of Stan Lee” (St. Martin’s press, 2019), Danny Fingeroth discusses the controversial life and career of Lee (born Stanley Martin Lieber), the co-creator of Spider-Man, the Avengers, Iron Man, the X-Men and many other iconic Marvel superheroes. In a powerpoint-aided presentation, Fingeroth charts how Lee rose from impoverished immigrant Jewish roots in the Bronx to become the most famous figure in the worlds of comics and graphic novels, including his cameos in movies based on his cocreations. We see how Lee, despite his successes, could never escape the accusations that he treated his creative partners—especially Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko—unfairly, reaping more than his fair share of credit and money.

Jews and Comics: From Superman to Maus 
with Danny Fingeroth
Based on his books “Disguised as Clark Kent: Jews, Comics and the Creation of the Superhero,” “The Rough Guide to Graphic Novels,” and “A Marvelous Life: The Amazing Story of Stan Lee,” Danny Fingeroth gives a powerpoint-aided presentation about the history of comics and graphic novels and the instrumental role Jewish writers, artists, and publishers played in the development of the medium. From Superman creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster to X-Men innovators Stan Lee and Jack Kirby to the work of visionary graphic novelists such as Will Eisner (“A Contract With God”), Art Spiegelman (“Maus”), and Rutu Modan (“Tunnels”), Fingeroth demonstrates the amazing contributions Jews have made to this amazing visual medium and its many genres.

Enchanting Tales: Unraveling Jewish Mythology and Characters of the Bible in the Imaginative World of the Talmud
with Jeremy Arcus-Goldberg
Embark on a mesmerizing journey into the enchanting world of Jewish mythology and the captivating characters of the Bible, as revealed through the brilliant imagination of the Talmudic rabbis. In “Enchanting Tales,” a program curated by a knowledgeable scholar with a Master’s degree in Jewish Studies, participants will be transported to a realm where myth and reality intertwine. Discover the lesser-known stories of Jewish mythological creatures and gain fresh perspectives on well-known biblical figures through the lens of Talmudic creativity. This immersive experience will offer an engaging blend of storytelling, textual analysis, and historical insights, all designed to ignite the participants’ imagination and foster a deeper appreciation for the richness of Jewish tradition.

Torah Study with Knives
with Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik
A three-hour hands-on papercutting workshop for adults in which participants learn papercut techniques and use the medium — cutting up comic books — to explore traditional Jewish text. Engaging, contemporary, and fun – and no experience necessary.

Simon Says: Nazi Hunter
with Andre R. Frattino
Simon is a Jewish artist who hunts down and brings escaped Nazis to justice in war torn Europe. When the Allied Forces suddenly pull out of the Nazi hunting business, Simon is left alone to continue his crusade, but he find help in the most unlikely of places.

Custom Workshop
with Tracy White
Tracy will partner with you to create the perfect workshop or discussion for your needs.

Jewish Cartoon Workshop
with Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Batman Editor Gorf gets participants of all ages and backgrounds creating Jewish-themed cartoons using the same tools and methods as professionals and then collects them into a comic book for the entire community, school or camp to enjoy and learn from. NO DRAWING SKILL NECESSARY WHATSOEVER. This is a proven, structured program that’s for everyone who can tell a story and draw a stick figure…which is all of us!

Making Comics Workshop
with Amy Kurzweil 
In this hands on workshop, we learn about the simple building blocks of comics as a way to tell our own stories. Thinking of drawing as a language, we learn about and practice simple mark making to communicate emotion and expression.

Jewish Cartoon Workshop
with Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Batman Editor Gorf gets participants of all ages and backgrounds creating Jewish-themed cartoons using the same tools and methods as professionals and then collects them into a comic book for the entire community, school or camp to enjoy and learn from. NO DRAWING SKILL NECESSARY WHATSOEVER. This is a proven, structured program that’s for everyone who can tell a story and draw a stick figure…which is all of us!

Turning Your Life Into Comic Books
with Daniel Lobell
This is an all ages workshop on how to write compelling stories and transform them into digestible, entertaining comic books, like I do. I will also give tips on how to profit off of them.

Is Superman Circumcised? The Complete Jewish History of the World’s Greatest Hero!
with Roy Schwartz
Superman is the most famous character in the world. He’s the first superhero, an American icon—and he’s Jewish! Introduced in June 1938, the Man of Steel was created by two Jewish teens, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the sons of emigrants from Eastern Europe. They based their hero’s origin story on Moses, his strength on Samson, his mission on the golem and his nebbish secret identity on themselves. They made him a refugee fleeing catastrophe on the eve of World War II and sent him to tear Nazi tanks apart nearly two years before the US joined the war. Join author Roy Schwartz for a fascinating and entertaining journey through comic book lore, American history and Jewish tradition, sure to give you a newfound appreciation for the Mensch of Steel!

Secret Identities: The Jewish Origins of Superheroes!
with Roy Schwartz
Did you know superheroes are a Jewish invention? Deep breath: Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Captain America, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Avengers, X-Men, Black Panther and many others were created or co-created by Jews. Join journalist and author Roy Schwartz to explore their secret origins, every bit as colorful and exciting as the comics and movies!

with Andrew Galitzer
Inspire your community to combine their passions with Torah! Bring AND i DREW to your community for inspiring presentations, shiurim, and cartooning workshop! Shabbos programming includes a shiur about talent, a fun activity for youth groups, and a Dvar Torah about art in Torah. After Shabbos, families create their own comics with ANDiDREW!

The Jewish Origins of Science Fiction & Comics
with Joshua Sky
This seminar would be a historical walk through of how Jewish publishers, writers and artists, inadvertently molded contemporary sci-fi, comics and 21st century pop culture. Our journey would begin on April of 1926, when Amazing Stories, the first pulp magazine focused on sci-fi was published by Hugo Gernsback, a Jew from Luxembourg, and then proceed to his protege, Martin Goodman, who would eventually found Marvel Entertainment. From there, we would explore the various other Jewish creatives and publishers who would go on to shape genre entertainment, including Harry Donenfeld and Jack Liebowitz (the founders of DC), as well Stan Lee, Rod Serling and many more.

Jewish Ethics & Super Heroes
with Joshua Sky
This seminar will be a deep dive into how Jewish ethics have been tied to the most iconic super heroes, such as: Superman, Batman, X-Men, Fantastic Four, He-Man and so many more. Further, it will explore the roots of why American super heroes have been traditionally anti-racist. Such virtues were instilled to help combat anti-semitism, which was prevalent in the U.S. during the late 30s and 40s.

Whatever Happened to the Good Ol’ Cream Pie Fight?
with Mathew Klickstein
Prominent pop culture historian, filmmaker, and Jewish culture expert Mathew Klickstein will showcase, analyze, and discuss with the audience in an interactive forum the origins, expansion, and ultimate downfall that has sadly led to today’s near total absence of that great American past time known as the cream pie fight, through clips and expert commentary of some of the greatest, funniest, weirdest, and most shocking cream pie fights ever consigned to cinematic celluloid (and beyond).

Moses, Esther, Superman & Wonder Woman: What Superheroes Teach Us About Judaism and What Judaism Teaches Us About Superheroes
with Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Veteran Batman Manager Gorf compares and contrasts the “source texts” for Moses, Esther, Superman and Wonder Woman resulting in an astonishing conclusion: superheroes exist because of Torah learning.

Tales From the Batman Editor: How “Drawing” Upon Judaism Inspires Joy and Success
with Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Learn the key ingredient to Gorf’s miraculous ascent from Batman reader to running the Batman franchise: openly embracing Judaism.

Scholar in Residence with the Batman Editor
with Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Invite veteran Batman Editor Gorf to your community or congregation for a SUPER weekend of Shabbat presentations and a multimedia presentation, culminating in the Jewish Cartoon Workshop! Gorf is deeply experienced at customizing for Jewish groups of any background and knowledge level, and everyone will be inspired by his core message: MAKE JUDAISM YOUR SUPERPOWER.

The Collective