Miriam Libicki


Miriam Libicki’s short comics have been published by the Nib, Abrams, Rutgers University Press, and the Journal of Jewish Identities. Her book of graphic essays, TOWARD A HOT JEW, received the 2017 Vine Award for Canadian Jewish Literature, and her painted essay WHO GETS CALLED AN UNFIT MOTHER was nominated for a 2020 Best Short Story Eisner. Libicki was the 2017 Writer in Residence at the Vancouver Public Library, and teaches illustration and humanities at Emily Carr University. Her most recent collaboration, an anthology of Holocaust survivor graphic memoirs titled BUT I LIVE, received a 2022 Canadian Book award.

Website: realgonegirl.com
Contact: realgonegirlstudios@gmail.com

Workshop Topics


Creating Family History Comics Workshop
Learn how to take a life-story interview of a family member, friend or role model, and transform it into a comic book to share and keep. Techniques covered include transcription, photo documentation, research and adaptation styles, and choosing an art style suited to the subject matter.


Ages 11-18, or adults 


Histories and Styles of Auto-bio Graphic Novels: Talk
A brief, image-filled timeline of the evolution of nonfiction graphic novels from a global perspective, and especially autobiographical movements. Discusses the unique power of graphic novels to tell personal stories for different audiences, and explores the many diverse art and storytelling approaches that cartoonists use.


Ages 7 and up (talk can be adapted for younger or older audiences)


Sense Memory Comix Workshop
Start with a word, and end with a one-page inked comic story inspired by Lynda Barry’s writing-from-memory techniques. A two-hour hands-on workshop using notebook paper, pens, bristol, india ink, and economical inking brushes.


Ages 9 to adult