JT Waldman is a comic book creator and educator best known for his graphic novel, Megillat Esther (JPS, 2005), as well as his collaboration with Harvey Pekar, Not the Israel My Parents Promised Me (Hill + Wang, 2012). He also contributed to several edited volumes that detail the intersection of comic books and Judaism, including From Krakow to Krypton (JPS, 2008), Colonial Comics (Fulcrum, 2014) and The Jewish Graphic Novel: Critical Approaches (Rutgers, 2010). In 2015, Congregation Keneseth Israel in Elkins Park, PA commissioned Waldman to create a site-specific comic book that decoded the monumental stained glass windows of artist Jacob Landau in their synagogue. JT conducts lectures and workshops around the country on topics ranging from comic books and religion to visual narratives and Midrash. He lives in a house surrounded by woods in Philly with his family.