Fabrice Sapolsky is a unicorn. A versatile creator who writes, draws, designs, edits, publishes and sometimes sleeps.
He released five creator-owned graphic novels in the last five years including fan favorites INTERTWINED, ONE-HIT WONDER and LADY-BIRD through his inclusive publishing venture, FairSquare Comics. His latest comic book, INTERTWINED: THE LAST JEWISH DAUGHTER OF KAIFENG, is out June 2023.
He’s also known to general audiences as the co-creator/co-writer of SPIDER-MAN NOIR for Marvel Comics (with David Hine) and has freelanced/worked for many companies such as Heavy Metal, DC Comics, Soleil, Humanoids or Ablaze.
Fabrice was also the originator and co-creator (with Fred Polaniecki) of the BROOKLYN JEWISH COMIC CON (2016, 2018). This adventure led to a conversation with Dr Miriam Mora in 2022, which led to the creation of JewCE.
On top of working on JewCE, Fabrice also drew the poster for the event as well as a variety of characters to be revealed.
Originally born in France, Fabrice moved to the United States in 2015 and now lives in New York.