ArIe Kaplan



AUTHOR BIO: Arie Kaplan has written numerous books and graphic novels for young readers, including Frankie and the Dragon, 96 Facts About Taylor Swift, LEGO Star Wars: The Official Stormtrooper Training Manual, The New Kid From Planet Glorf, Batman: Harley at Bat, The Jurassic Park Little Golden Book, Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal: Heroes Unite, and Speed Racer: Chronicles of the Racer.

He has also penned scripts for such iconic comic book series as Star Wars Adventures, MAD Magazine, Tales from the Crypt, Archie & Friends, Looney Tunes, Robert E. Howard’s Savage Sword, and Bart Simpson Comics.

Arie is the author of the award-winning nonfiction title From Krakow to Krypton: Jews and Comic Books, and he has lectured on the history of the comic book industry at colleges, universities, synagogues, museums, and literary festivals all over the world. In addition to his work as a comics historian, he has authored nonfiction books on a wide range of topics, from the history of video games to the life of Vlad the Impaler.

When he’s not working on his latest book, comic book story, or graphic novel, Arie is a screenwriter for television, video games, and transmedia.